Get Involved

We are blessed to be surrounded by great friends and family, both in the US and in Honduras, and so many frequently ask us how they can get involved and become a part of what is happening in Honduras. Well, here is our answer. We encourage you to self-educate, advocate, pray, and partner financially. Each one of these things greatly encourage us and enable us to continue in our work in Honduras. Thanks to all of you that do support us in so many ways.

1. Self-Educate
Start by reading some books on the topic of a Christian’s response to poverty. When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert and Walking with the Poor by Bryant Myers are great introductions to the topic. Your understanding of what we do and why is priceless support to us.

2. Advocate Share what you learn about holistic community development and poverty alleviation with others. You can make a difference by bringing it to the attention of people who may want to help by learning, praying and giving. This role should not be underestimated.

3. Pray
We need all the spiritual support that we can get. We know that this sounds cliché, but it is true.

4. Partner Financially
Whether you feel that you should donate to the Heart to Honduras operational/general fund, community initiatives, or to us as staff to allow us to continue in our current role, we appreciate your involvement.


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